9. Be Darker And More Mysterious

 If youre going to hire Peter Capaldi to play the Doctor, one of the best and most versatile actors in the country, maybe its time to introduce a darker quality, someone who is fiercer and trickier. I dont mean a complete b**tard, just a version of the character more like the original William Hartnell. With old Bill, you didnt quite know how he was going to react to any given situation. He could be warm and caring one moment, and then cracking a rock over a cave mans head the next. The little tinker. After two happy-go-lucky Doctors, it seems about time that we mixed it up again, especially with an older actor now at the helm, someone who can bring forward a hint of authority, a sense of mystery, and (Im so sorry) dollops of gravitas. Love me some gravitas. Im sensing a Jon Pertwee vibe in Capaldi, less humorous banter and more a man of action and substance. With Capaldi we could be biting our nails, on the very edge of our seats every week. However...