Doctor Who: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of New Who

5. The End Of Time - 12.04m

After the brilliant Waters Of Mars, The End Of Time was the epic, appropriate end to David Tennant's time as the Doctor (albeit despite brief returns). Unfortunately, it did slightly rob the Christmas Day Special of some impact since the real finale came with the New Year's special, and it did feel somewhat rushed in comparison to the second part. But as Doctor Who events go, Tennant's farewell was a rip-roaring one, and hurtled forwards at a break-neck speed (particularly in the second part), making smaller concerns like plot and character development seem unimportant. As a finale for Tennant, it felt like an allegory for the actor's reluctance to leave the part behind, and those emotive last words "I don't want to go" will remain memorable long after more Doctors have come and gone. And any episode that sees John Simm's Master appear has to be considered a winner.
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