Doctor Who: All 17 Series 7 Episodes & Special Ranked

1. The Day Of The Doctor - Steven Moffat

Was it going to be anything else? The Day of the Doctor was spell-bounding, and gave us a great twist that changes up the show from the more guilty Doctor to one of hope. The decision to bring back Gallifrey was a good one, and even if it doesn't sit well in your stomach there's no denying how awesome the scene with all 13 Doctors in was. Smith and Tennant had fantastic chemistry, and John Hurt completely sold me on being the Doctor. The Zygon subplot that mirrors the time war is also interesting, even if it doesn't have a proper resolution. A big risk was taken with this and it really did pay off. If you saw it in cinemas in 3D then there were no compromises there either, everything looked glorious. It didn't spend any time brooding on foreshadowing Smith's exit either, which I feel is a wise choice. A worthy episode of the 50th anniversary, here's hoping that the task of finding Gallifrey is one that isn't brushed over in one season with Capaldi. Think an episode should be higher or lower? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Jake lives in a small town in England with nothing much to do besides watch far too much television, play games and occasionally have a cup of tea. His favourite things to do are play the guitar and eat scones. Follow him at @_jakelennon if you wish.