Doctor Who: 20 Most Satisfying Moments

19. Two's Moment Of Tenderness From The Tomb Of The Cybermen: 2 September 1967 If you do not remember this I bet you didn't see it coming. We are so used to thinking of Patrick Troughton's Doctor as being some sort of meddling trickster whose only intent was to catch you out with deviousness. In this scene he comforts companion Victoria who had recently lost her father. We are used to seeing Matt Smith doing this, his young face hiding an eternity of experience and sympathetic understanding. Matt is always fulsome in his praise of Troughton. I reckon he learned and he understood much from his predecessor. Is this Two I see before me, or Eleven? Well, both, really, if we're being picky. But then again, that just undermines the magic of what's on display here.
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Hello, I'm Paul Hammans, terminal 'Who' obsessive, F1 fan, reader of arcane literature about ideas and generalist scribbler. To paraphrase someone much better at aphorisms than I: I strive to write something worth reading and when I cannot do that I try to do something worth writing. I have my own Dr Who oriented blog at