Doctor Who: 5 Books That Should Be Adapted Into Episodes

4. 'The Last Dodo' by Jacqueline Rayner

Doctor Who Red This book also begins with a premise that would be hugely enjoyable regardless of the link to Doctor Who and the characterisation that can be found within the book. The idea of a living dodo kept alive in a giant alien museum is quite fun on its own, and it is something that would be amazing to discuss generally. If you had the option of keeping the last animal of one species alive forever, trapped in an exhibit, which would you choose? This is not an issue familiar to the antagonist Eve who tragically feels compelled to try to capture the last of every species. Of course, a Time Lord would be the best addition to her museum and the adventure that follows certainly keeps our Doctor on his feet! The story provides interesting ideas on the importance of conservation and is actually one of the first Doctor Who books I read, soon after it was released and it lead me to buy many of them. Therefore, it is a story that is rather close to my heart and one that I would love to hear. I think, with some tweaking and changes in format, that this could work as a radio play. If that were not possible, even a short podcast or feature giving details on the capture of some of the exhibits and what happened to them once they were freed would be fun.
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Doctor Who
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