Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Eleven's Regeneration Will Be Incredibly Heartbreaking

2. The Speech

Now, do I have a copy of the regeneration episode next to me? No. Would I kill my sister for a copy? Yes. However, if there€™s one thing that I have constantly said made Eleven different from every Doctor is that he gives speeches. Wonderful, amazing, theatrical speeches. Whether it be by Amy€™s bedside or yelling to the God of Ahkaten, Matt Smith has given Eleven a wonderful theatricality that has not been put to waste. I can€™t tell you what I think the speech will be about €“I have my ideas €“ but I can tell you that I wouldn€™t be surprised if this episode were full of what set this Doctor apart from the others, beyond his silly nature. There will likely be a speech at Trenzalore before it all starts (as such in The Pandorica Opens), and then a speech as he begins to regenerate, leading up to his final line. Since I can€™t keep a thought to myself, my personal idea is that he has a speech about everything he€™s been through, all the lives he touched, in good and bad ways, and how brilliant it€™s been. His final words? I saw an article that said it€™s been planned for awhile, so my first thought is: We€™re all stories in the end. And yeah, I made a good one. Don€™t you think? That could give the shoutout to the Ponds that all the Whovians will be wanting while simultaneously breaking all of our hearts. That was the saddest thing I could come up with. I€™m sure Moffat will top it by a million.
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I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.