Doctor Who: 5 Reasons The Five-Ish Doctors Reboot Was Great Fun

2. Davison As Director

peter davison doctor who It shouldn't be forgotten that one of the younger Steven Moffat's first steps into televised Who was his involvement with the Comic Relief skit "The Curse Of Fatal Death" and it didn't do him any harm. With that in mind it doesn't seem such a leap of faith to talk of the man in the cricket whites coming to the crease as a future directorial candidate for the series itself. After all,he knows the part and has appeared in some notable high points for the classic series. If he gets stuck,send for Graeme Harper. Peter has often said "The Caves Of Androzani" is his favourite of his own stories, and who was the man behind the camera? From a fan's point of view it possibly represents quite a gamble but this particular leap of faith could be spectacularly rewarded if its given a chance to get off the ground. He clearly loved being back for this special and indeed "Time Crash" with the aforementioned son-in-law, so let's give him a chance. It's not like he has much else to do..
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