Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Why The Second And Eleventh Doctors Should Share Adventures

1. The Scene's Already Set

Doctor Who Shadow Of Death We got a listen to how the two Doctors might interact, though it was all too brief. He'd go on to pay similar visits to his other nine incarnations,having started by dropping a cryptic radio message to the First and Susan in 'Hunters Of Earth'. The scope is there for similar adventures to continue beyond the 50th anniversary and that should be explored. After all, Big Finish already hold the audio rights to the first eight incarnations of the Time Lord, and should they snaffle the other three anything's possible. A thought which should cheer you whether your Doctor of choice is the one who sprang up at the end of 'The Tenth Planet' after Bill Hartnell's body wore a bit thin or David Tennant's literally explosive replacement following those dreaded four knocks. Or indeed if you love both! And there's no reason you shouldn't, so tell us what you think. Does it deserve to go the way of 'The War Games' and Trenzalore, or could it work?

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!