Doctor Who: 5 Things That Could Be Next For The Great Intelligence

1. Enter The Valeyard

The_Valeyard It was previously hinted by the Intelligence that the Doctor would be known as the Valeyard at some point before the end of his life. The question of how the GI knew this can be easily answered if we embrace the possibility that it made it happen. After all having had access to the length and breadth of an eleven-incarnation strong timeline who's to say it couldn't have created the latest self as an elaborate prelude before completing his transition into judge, jury and executioner with the delicious twist that he later sits in judgement on his Sixth incarnation's fate? The fact that he would serve as the physical form of his own dark side would have the disembodied despot positively cackling with glee. Implanting a plan to steal his good past self's remaining seven regenerations by killing him during the events of 'The Trial Of A Time Lord' would just be showing off. But not outside the realm of possibility given that the only time we've seen the Valeyard on screen, in 'The Ultimate Foe', he escaped even after being apprehended. As a further insult to the good name of the Doctor this dark side of himself is shown to be fully active. In alliance with the massively corrupt High Council of Time Lords he manipulates the events of the Ravolox affair to cover up Six's heroic expose of some nasty goings-on, passing the edited version off as evidence of transgression against the strict policy of non-interference maintaned by the men from Gallifrey. Plus even the Master seems to be in fear of him. Good going so far! And if the Doctor's evil equal does make a comeback once he rediscovers home a more in depth meeting between him and the Valeyard would surely make for a great moment and possibly even change the narrative for both in a big way. Respect could turn to full blown collaboration in large-scale plots, and could provide a gateway for past Doctors to return in some capacity and face the future self they must all dread. If we delve further forward into the world of the Past Doctor Adventure Novels it doesn't end with his sneaking off under the guise of the Keeper of the Matrix. Oh no. In 'Mission-Impractical' it seems Six's troubles are only just beginning, and it leads to quite some trouble later on for the colourfully coated one and his next incarnation which are worthy of consideration here. The mysterious 'Zimmermann' wants him dead. No prizes for guessing who he really is. Things move on still further by the time of 'Matrix'. The Doctor's now in his seventh body and has to move quickly when time itself is manipulated by an unseen hand using the Dark Matrix. Past selves are manipulated into reversing previous good works by its evil. The First Doctor murders several of his fellow Time Lords in the process of getting to Earth in time for 'An Unearthly Child', the Fourth destroys the Daleks at their beginning point in 'Genesis Of The Daleks' and technically commits genocide,'and the Fifth leaves Peri to die after drinking her antidote as well as his own in 'The Caves Of Androzani'. All a far cry from the man who deplores evil in all forms in every possible sense. Plus the Matrix needs power. How's he generating it? By becoming Jack the Ripper and feeding it the energy of his victims. He gets a cool darker TARDIS too- taking the form of a stone sarcophagus it has the faces of the Doctor's thirteen incarnations carved into its frontage- and wouldn't it be amazing to see that on screen? Hopefully that's provided a compelling account of just how an Intelligence-Doctor fusion might work. But do tell the High Council of WhatCulture! how you think it could go down. Is all that too complicated to work into the supposed future quest for Gallifrey? Or could it quite easily work alongside it post ' The Time Of The Doctor'? Let us know what you think!

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