Doctor Who: 5 Unexpected Things In The Time Of The Doctor

3. The Regenerations Explained: So€ Wait, What Number?

Despite how I don€™t like to criticize Moffat, I didn€™t expect him to take on responsibility for John Hurt, and especially not for the regeneration into TenToo. In fact, when I saw people claiming that Ten to TenToo counted, I somewhat scoffed, unable to believe that we would get much of an explanation, and that it would be an after thought when we did, and that Ten to TenToo certainly didn€™t count. However, I didn€™t follow my own rule €“ to never underestimate the Moff€“ and he took the regeneration number seriously. Of course it€™s still technically a cop out, but really, how else was the show going to go on for? But I was happy that it was acknowledged and that the Doctor was given more regenerations. It was also incredibly nice to see Clara once again come to the Doctor€™s aide and the Time Lords help him despite the fact that the cracks closed once they gave him another regeneration cycle. At least I think he was. Heck, I don€™t even know what number we€™re on anymore. Does the count restart? Are we at 12? 13? 14? Maybe we need to rethink what we call the Doctors. Because I think Moffat confused everyone. Something else he€™s good at.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.