Doctor Who: 50 Greatest Dalek Moments

5. Killer Shot €“ Dalek

Although the Daleks are more interesting than your common-or-garden variety killer robots, the Daleks are rather known for their killing. And, you have to hand it to them, they can kill with aplomb. Facing dozens of armed humans in Van Statten's underground vault, a Dalek bides its time as the humans purposelessly shoot at it. It hovers, setting of the sprinklers. With a single shot, it fires at the water - killing them all with one shot. While this is a callous yet clever move itself, the cruelty of the Dalek is better shown in that it knows the Doctor is watching. It is simply showing off what it can do to annoy its enemy. We can now add 'boasting' to the list of 'unsavoury Dalek characteristics.'

4. The Daleks Defy Davros €“ Genesis Of The Daleks

After Davros has spent his career on his dream of creating his own species, at the end of Genesis of the Daleks it seems he has done just that. However, Davros learns to always be careful what you wish for. Attempting to give his creations an order, Davros is surprised to find that the Daleks ignore him; their programming states that they cannot recognise another creature as above them. As they go to exterminate him, Davros begs them to have pity. A Dalek reminds him that 'pity' is a word not found in their vocabulary. After an adventure where Davros has been king, it's fascinating to see the Daleks take control of themselves and demonstrate the cunning and cruelty that we are used to. Still, even as he is being horribly exterminated, Davros must surely feel a bit of that fatherly pride again.

3. Daleks Versus Cybermen! - Doomsday

Something that had only previously existed in school kids' imaginations was finally realised in Doomsday when the Daleks and the Cybermen came face to face. And they do not get on. Despite the two species' lack of emotion, they seem to possess a lot of disdain and newfound sarcastic abilities in this little tete-a-tete. Here are a few gems: Cyberman: Our species are similar, though your design is inelegant. Dalek: Daleks have no concept or elegance. Cyberman: This is obvious. Dalek: You are superior in only one respect. Cyberman: What is that? Dalek: You are better at dying! And finally, all together now: Dalek: This is not war. This is pest control. I for one would like to see the Daleks fight all their battles with sarcasm. I'll leave that for you to imagine...
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