Doctor Who: 50 Greatest Dalek Moments

20. Crashing The Reunion - The Stolen Earth

The Daleks are a firm part of Doctor Who and so whenever there's a celebratory episode, you can bet they will make an appearance. However, in that oft-discussed on this list two-parter The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, one Dalek remind us that they would rather crash the party than join in the fun. Finally reunited after years apart, the Doctor and Rose run towards each other like lovers through a field. But the Doctor doesn't account for the Dalek waiting in the wings. Ready to shoot... Back when first seen, this was an incredibly shocking moment and €“ until the cliffhanger was resolved €“ we really thought the Tenth Doctor might regenerate. And, another point, after decades of trying, a Dalek finally shot the Doctor! I bet he'd have liked to brag about that down the pub €“ if he wasn't blown to pieces by Jack shortly afterwards.

19. Davros Unveils The First Daleks - Genesis of the Daleks

One of the most interesting parts of the classic Genesis of the Daleks is that it shows us just how the Daleks came about (sorry, Yarvelling, it isn't your gig anymore). One of the best moments in this respect is when Davros reveals his latest experiment to his fellow Kaled scientists. When released, the Mark III Travel Machine, as he calls it, goes straight for the onlooking Doctor and Harry, noticing their alien nature and ready to exterminate them €“ before someone else switches it off just in time. Davros is livid, ecstatic that his creation naturally sought to destroy. Like a father, proud of his child who's just learnt to ride a bike. 'That's my Dalek!'

18. Daleks Can Climb Stairs! €“ Remembrance Of The Daleks

The oldest joke at the Daleks' expense is one familiar to all; they can't be that dangerous, they can't even go up a flight of stairs. It's a jibe that the Doctor himself has even used with Tom Baker once taunting a Dalek with 'if you're meant to be the supreme beings of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us?' However, a few years after that it all changed. Long before modern CGI granted the Daleks elevation in 2005, one Dalek chased the Doctor up some stairs in a groundbreaking moment from Remembrance of the Daleks. The Dalek then proceeds to waste the opportunity by shouting 'exterminate' about fifty times, allowing its enemy to escape, but still you have to hand it to him. That Dalek had singlehandedly taken his race to new heights.

17. Rising From The Thames €“ The Dalek Invasion Of Earth

Ask any classic series fan for the most memorable moments of the show in the sixties and the scene where a Dalek rose from the Thames in The Dalek Invasion of Earth will be high on their list. Landing in a devastated 22nd century London, the Doctor and his friends investigate as to what has happened to the city. Cornered by zombie-like Robomen, they finally discover the truth as a Dalek emerges from the river. Although it is still a striking image today, at the time of broadcast it must have been a shock to see the Daleks, previously only seen on their homeworld, somewhere so close to home. The scene even made it to the big screen when the story was adapted to film a few years later. Just one question, since when do Daleks swim?

16. 'Would You Care For Some Tea?' €“ Victory of the Daleks

The Daleks are evil to the core. They are also rather obnoxious and ill-mannered, if I wish to be more specific, but evil generally covers it. The Daleks are inhuman killing machines who would only ever give one thing to another; death. This is why the sight of them asking someone if they 'would care for some tea' is such a special moment. Visiting his pal Winston Churchill, the Doctor has discovered that Churchill has a group of Daleks onside which he believes to be robot Ironsides invented by a human scientist. They are to be primarily used as soldiers in the war but are also apparently rather good at distributing beverages. The unlikelihood of these words leaving a Dalek's... lighty-up ear things makes for a hugely hilarious moment and one that could only have been improved by seeing the Dalek actually making a cuppa. Perhaps they have spoon appendages too...
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