Doctor Who: 50 Greatest Dalek Moments

15. Daleks, Daleks Everywhere €“ The Parting Of The Ways

The classic series of Doctor Who, as is often commented, did not have the largest budget. So when it came to those episodes that required Dalek armies, costs had to be cut. Common shortcuts being recycling the same models over and over and sometimes even cardboard cut-outs were used. So upon the series' 21st century return, fans were treated to a full-scale Dalek fleet when the Daleks once again invaded Earth in Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways. While it may have been previously said that thousands upon thousands of Daleks were incoming it was a surprise to see that many realised on screen, legions of them flying through the air (that one from Remembrance would be very proud) and whizzing about in their retro sixties flying saucers. Groovy!

14. 'I Am A Human Dalek...' €“ Daleks In Manhattan

As has been noted throughout this article, the Daleks are at their most detestable when they infiltrate humanity, either by imitating it or by mutating it and turning it into Dalek. A pinnacle of this is surely the excellent cliffhanger to Daleks in Manhattan where Dalek Sec's experiment with human Mr Diagoras is revealed. He has merged with him to become the universe's first Dalek/human hybrid. The hybrid leads into some interesting discussion about the fundamental differences between humans and Daleks but this scene works so well due to his grotesque form and chilling parting line: 'I am your future,' he decrees, in a fetching New York accent. In fact, with his natty black suit and good looks, Dalek Sec is quite the catch. Watch out Manhattan, Sec's in the city!

13. 'Armless €“ The Daleks

At the end of Doctor Who's fifth ever episode, entitled The Dead Planet, history was made. Separated from her friends, and on her first alien world, the Doctor's companion Barbara wanders lost through some silver corridors. Soon, though, something sneaks up on her. She turns in horror as an object that suspiciously resembles a sink plunger backs her against the wall. It seems odd to think now that the first glimpse of a Dalek was just their sucker arm and nothing else until the cliffhanger was resolved a week later. But the Daleks had landed nonetheless and it would be no time at all before they sucked up the world.

12. 'What Are You Gonna Do? Sucker Me To Death?' €“ Dalek

Forty years later, a Dalek's sucker arm also played a pivotal role in creating one other iconic Dalek moments. Finally freeing itself from its chains in Van Statten's bunker, a Dalek confronts the man, Simmons, who has been torturing it. With its gun arm out of power, it points its sucker arm him. Simmons mocks the Dalek before the arm crushes his skull from the suction. Much like the Daleks' problems with stairs, the sucker arm had often come under flak across the Daleks' lifespan €“ despite its eerie first appearance in the last instalment in our list. Here, however, it is proved that the Daleks' sucker arm is as deadly as the rest of them. Mock it at your peril.

11. 'I Am Your Servant!' - The Power Of The Daleks

A long time before the Daleks pretended to be Churchill's Ironsides, The Power of the Daleks saw the pepperpots masquerading as servants to human colonists on the planet Vulcan (not that one, Star Trek fans). The newly-regenerated Second Doctor pleads with scientist Lesterton not to revive the Daleks he has discovered in an abandoned spaceship. But it is too late as a waking Dalek rolls towards him. 'I am your servant,' the Dalek says, much to the Doctor's surprise. One of the earliest examples of one of the Daleks' defining traits, their duplicity, this moment perfectly demonstrates that they are creatures of more than just hate. That is the true power of the Daleks.
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