Doctor Who: 50 Unanswered Questions

22. Is The 12 Life Limit On Regenerations Biological Or Imposed By The High Council?

Doctor Who The End Of Time First revealed during the events of The Deadly Assassin, this limit adds another twist to the regeneration concept. Examining the history of the Time Lords, it is evident that there was some point in their history when they were regularly facing death and adapted to survive and learn from the their experiences. During the war with the Great Vampires perhaps? But what is the story behind the limit? During the 5 Doctors the Time Lords promise to give the Master more regenerations in exchange for his cooperation. It has also been revealed that despite his using up all of his regenerations, the Time Lords were able to resurrect him with a new set. But what kind of biological process can be regulated and circumvented by a government?

21. What The Heck Is The Watcher?

Doctor Who The Watcher Logopolis has to be the oddest multi-Doctor story ever. Throughout the story the mysterious Watcher, a shadowy figure resembling a man sized misused Q-Tip, is lurking about watching the final hours of the 4th Doctor's life. As the 4th Doctor regenerates, The Watcher merges with his dying body while Nyssa exclaims, "He was the Watcher the whole time!" What? In one of the DVD commentaries it was argued that circumstances were so bad that the 4th and 5th Doctor's timelines overlapped and The Watcher was an echo of the Doctor's next incarnation. Considering the fact that for most of Logopolis, all The Watcher does is stand around watching and takes the Tardis for a brief spin, this answer is quite unsatisfying. I have yet to hear or read any explanation of The Watcher that makes a lick of sense.
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Jamahl Simmons has been a sportscaster, a Member of Parliament and a talk radio host. With a love of Doctor Who, Comics and absolutely horrendous movies, he now brings his talents to WhatCulture!