Doctor Who: 50 Unanswered Questions

24. What Caused Romana To Regenerate?

Doctor Who Romana Romana's regeneration in "Destiny of The Daleks" is played for laughs and to highlight how Romana is so much better at the whole Time Lord thing than The Doctor, but it also raises several questions. Can Time Lords regenerate spontaneously without wasting one of their 12 "lives?" Did she perhaps suffer a mortal wound in an untold tale set between the events of "The Armageddon Factor" and "Destiny of The Daleks?" "The Christmas Invasion" and "Let's Kill Hitler" established that Time Lords have quite a bit of flexibility in the hours after regenerating so the switching of bodies before settling on a carbon copy of Princess Astra's body is not as odd as it appears at first blush, but the question still remains; why is Romana regenerating in the first place?

23. How Did The Master's Body Become Disfigured?

Idid The Master was last seen working with the Daleks in the 3rd Doctor story, "Frontier in Space." At that time he seemed to be in perfect health. Yet when we see him again in The Deadly Assassin he has become a walking, dessicated corpse. What happened? Was it a failed regeneration? An experiment with mystical forces that went wrong? A natural result of being on his last regeneration?
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Jamahl Simmons has been a sportscaster, a Member of Parliament and a talk radio host. With a love of Doctor Who, Comics and absolutely horrendous movies, he now brings his talents to WhatCulture!