Doctor Who: 6 Greatest In-Jokes On The Show

5. Catchphrases

jon pertwee Catchphrases for the Doctor are in and of themselves a sort of in-joke. It is a malleable tool for self-reflexive humour and also, a marker of an era. But the potential contender for first ever catchphrase of the Doctor, the classic "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow" is already an in-joke. Apparently, Jon Pertwee suffered from an inability "to remember the gobblity-gook", according to Peter Davidson in Doctor Who Confidential Weird Science. This "gobblity gook" or "technobabble" as others called it, was the psuedoscience filled with complicated (and often made-up) words about whatever the Doctor was supposedly doing. This oft spoken phrase of the Third Doctor, is a result of one day's filming when Mr. Pertwee's lines€”written on a set he was not currently in€”were temporarily unavailable, he used the only line he had memorised, and it stuck, so he kept using it. Apparently the idea of the Doctor with a catchphrase is a good one because it has become quite a staple of the show since this, earlier, almost accidental introduction. Ij Ganger Doctor The importance of catchphrases was noted in the Eleventh Doctor story, the Almost People, which featured a clone copy of the Eleventh Doctor in the midst of his own sort of regenerative crisis. He rattles off: "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow." Followed by the Fourth Doctor's catchphrase: "Would you like a jelly baby?" And the Sixth's: "Why?" And the Tenth's: "Hello. I'm the Doctor." Before mangling them all into: "I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the. I can't."
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