Doctor: 6 Things To Expect In Matt Smith's Farewell

5. A Companion

As of now, Clara Oswald is the Doctor's only regular companion and may well be the only one to witness his regeneration. However you feel about her, she is essential to the process. Clara is someone we can relate to and witness the regeneration alongside, for her and many of our first times. It may seem over dramatic but the Doctor's regeneration will be a tough one to sit through and we'll be lucky to have someone to watch it with. More importantly, the Doctor will have someone with him. A Lonely Doctor is not a happy Doctor. While Jenna Coleman is signed on through the eighth series, we'll have to wait and see if the chemistry between her and Capaldi is as fun as her work with Smith. We now know the Doctor is no longer the last of his kind after the events of, "Day of the Doctor" so it would be nice to see the return of a certain Time Lady companion in the future.

I enjoy watching bad movies and over analyzing them, the worse the better. I have a pet frog named IHOP and a vast collection of lightsabers.