Doctor: 6 Things To Expect In Matt Smith's Farewell

1. Loose Ends, Gallifrey & Beyond

Capaldi Future Who The Doctor's next overlying story will undoubtedly be finding Gallifrey. In the mean time, there are still a few questions that remain unanswered. Will the cracks in time be further explained? Is Smith actually the Twelfth Doctor and if he is, how does this play into his previously imposed regeneration limit? Is this the untimely end of Doctor Who? Don't count on it. Steven Moffat is an incredibly creative writer and will remain on the show past Smith's tenure. Absolutely everything could be left unanswered and we'd all still love it, no matter how wibbly-wobbly the story may get. For a show about time travel, jumping the shark is not an option. Materializing around the shark and telling us it was all just a clever lie is.

I enjoy watching bad movies and over analyzing them, the worse the better. I have a pet frog named IHOP and a vast collection of lightsabers.