Doctor: 6 Things To Expect In Matt Smith's Farewell

2. Baddies

The Time Of The Doctor From what can be gathered from the first trailer and poster for, "Time of the Doctor" Smith's final episode won't be without some of the Doctor's most devious foes. Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and the Silence are all teased to be featured in the episode but how they all play together should be interesting to see. While some have argued a few of these baddies have been a bit overused, it just wouldn't feel right without them. One can make a case for the Cybermen and Dalek's appearance as they are central to the history of Doctor Who, while the Silence and Weeping Angels are for the most part, Smith-era villains. The history both groups have with Eleven are critical to his story arc so it makes sense to include them in Smith's final episode. The past three series have all been leading up to this episode and sooner or later, Silence Will Fall.

I enjoy watching bad movies and over analyzing them, the worse the better. I have a pet frog named IHOP and a vast collection of lightsabers.