Doctor Who: 7 Reasons Why Peter Capaldi's Doctor Shouldn't Be Dark

5. He's Going Back To His Roots

BBCBBCWe know that in the eighth series of Doctor Who's new run the Doctor returns to Coal Hill School. Danny Pink, Samuel Anderson's new character, is a teacher there, along with Clara. Coal Hill School first appeared in Doctor Who's début serial 'An Unearthly Child' (originally 100,000 BC). This location later reappeared in 2013's 50th anniversary special, and is the school at which the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan, was taught. This school also introduced us to Ian and Barbara, who, along with Susan, became William Hartnell's first companions. It very much seems like the Doctor Who team are trying to replicate the dynamic from the original series within series 8. This setting, familiar to the Doctor as it is, will provide a comfortable backdrop to some of his adventures, and will help him to settle into his new life without trouble.

Thomas Field hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.