Doctor Who: 7 Reasons Why Peter Capaldi's Doctor Shouldn't Be Dark

6. The Doctor Has Allies Around Him To Help Him Through His Regeneration

BBCIt has been confirmed that Series 8's début episode will feature the Paternoster Gang, made up of Silurian Madame Vastra, her human wife Jenny, and their Sontaran butler, Strax. These three allies of the Doctor, who originally appeared in the Matt Smith era, along with Clara, will help to ease the Doctor back into normality. These companions will most likely work in a similar way to Sarah Jane Smith, who was the bridge between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. Back when Matt Smith's first episode aired, we were introduced not only to his Doctor, but also a few other new additions. New companions, a new TARDIS, and a new sonic screwdriver. Nothing was familiar, it was all a bit manic, albeit a fantastically well executed sort of manic. This time, the Doctor will have these familiar characters around him, who can be there to look after him and help him become the Doctor again. The fact that Clara is here for the entirety of Series 8 will also help to ease the transition, not only for the audience but also for the Doctor himself. Having someone the audience can identify with is of paramount importance, and the fact that we already know four of the characters from the first episode will keep us watching, whether we warm to the character of the 12th Doctor immediately or not. His four allies can also care for him as he gets used to his new body. This could take place in a similar manner to how Rose cared for the 10th Doctor in €˜The Christmas Invasion€™, or we could be surprised in the way they do it.

Thomas Field hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.