Since before Series 8 kicked off there's been rumours that Jenna Coleman won't be returning to the TARDIS after this run. Rather than confirming or denying, however, Coleman and the rest of the Who team have instead decided to go with the "no comment" option in a bid to maintain the mystery. Well played, but we can still read into that. Christopher Eccleston announcing his departure at the start of Season 1 meant what could have been a shock regeneration was robbed of its surprise element, while previous companions went with a lot of hype, but this often had a detrimental effect on their final episode, rarely living up to expectations. Heck, this wouldn't even be the first shock within the show involving the actress - she first appeared in Asylum Of The Daleks, half a series before she was meant to. The lack of confirmation is the sort of trick that would only be pulled when something really cool is coming, making the likelihood of this being the end of Coleman's run likely. Moffat loves twisting surprises, so it's right up his street. Conclusion: Quite how it'll end we don't know, but we're fairly confident Clara's only got a couple of weeks left with the Doctor. What are your predictions for the finale? Let us know in the comments below.