Doctor Who: 8 Minisodes We Could See In 2014

7. Eleven And Clara Escape The Time-Stream

Ever since the start of 'The Day of the Doctor', fans have wondered how the Doctor and Clara survived the impossible journey out of the Doctor's time-stream; one minute they were facing John Hurt, and the next, Clara was a teacher. What happened exactly? Given that Matt Smith's off doing other things now, this is a scene that would have to have been filmed in advance; maybe they left it as a DVD extra or a possible prequel? It would be nice though to have some kind of explanation of what happened, but the fact that nothing was actually released on the DVD might suggest that we've seen all they filmed. Altogether more likely would be something like 'She Said, He Said', which could feature Clara explaining how they made it out alive. It's a question that fans would like an answer to, but it doesn't look like we'll see it any time soon, as Moffat recently claimed "Sometimes you expect the audience to put two and two together for themselves." Guess we'll never know... Likelihood: 2/10

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.