Doctor Who: 8 Minisodes We Could See In 2014

3. The Eleventh Doctor's Final Minutes Before Regenerating

The Tenth Doctor went on a farewell lap of honour, saving his friends, helping them out, and saying goodbye to the world before regenerating into Matt Smith. Eleven however, didn't have nearly as much fanfare. All we saw was a bowl on half-eaten fish fingers and custard and a previous costume littering the stairs: did Eleven get up to anything else before regenerating? Of course, Matt would've needed to have filmed a sequence before leaving, unless he fancies coming back of course. It would steal attention somewhat from the Twelfth Doctor, if we were given another last glimpse of the Eleventh, but it would be a lovely scene, and one that a lot of Matt Smith fans would love to see. Likelihood: 1/10

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.