Doctor Who: 8 Things We Might See In Series 8

2. €œAnd He Will Have Other Names Before The End. Storm, The Beast, The Valeyard.€ €“ The Great Intelligence

The Great Intelligence was back with a vengeance in €˜The Name of the Doctor€™ to try and get his grubby digital hands on all that secretive information stored in the Doctor€™s timeline (and also to try and kill him in the process€ naturally). But while arguing with the Paternoster Gang on Trenzalore, The Great Intelligence referred to the Doctor by several different aliases. Storm: we have already heard plenty of references to the Doctor being known as €˜The Oncoming Storm€™ because of all the death and destruction in his past. The Beast: the Doctor has encountered many beasts, but he has never really been known as being one himself. Just what might we see the Doctor do in the future to earn himself this new title? All forecasts seem to be pointing towards a darker time for the Doctor€™s future. The Valeyard: this title is also one that we have heard before, in Colin Baker€™s tenure as the Doctor. In €˜The Trial of a Time Lord€™ a character referred to as the Valeyard appears as the Doctor€™s prosecutor. The Master chips in and says that he is the dark side of the Doctor who came about during what we now know is Smith€™s time as the Doctor. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the Valeyard, but we might just see him again too, or maybe we will see the Doctor become him.
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My life is an odd blend of the real and surreal. By day I study law but by night I live my life vicariously through science fiction and fantasy, as a Whovian, gamer and writer.