Doctor Who: 8 Things We Might See In Series 8

3. €œSorry, Can't Stop. What Are You Gonna Do, Tell My Dad? €“ Jenny

Keeping on the theme of family, there€™s also the open-ended story of Jenny, the €˜Generated Anomaly€™. In €˜The Doctor€™s Daughter€™, The Doctor had some of his own skin tissue extracted and used to create a soldier for the war between the Humans and the Hath. Although the Doctor is originally ambivalent about Jenny, he warms to her and identifies her as his daughter. After her regeneration scene at the end of the episode, Jenny runs away to follow in her father€™s footsteps as a space-faring hero. Jenny is still out there somewhere saving the universe, just as the Doctor is. The two may cross paths again in series 8.
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My life is an odd blend of the real and surreal. By day I study law but by night I live my life vicariously through science fiction and fantasy, as a Whovian, gamer and writer.