Doctor Who: All 85 Revival Era Stories Ranked

65. A Town Called Mercy

Visually spectacular, but covering much of the same Time War guilt that we've seen so many times before. Plot becomes irrelevant when Jex commits suicide.

64. Dinosaurs On A Spaceship

An enjoyable enough romp, 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship' is a lighthearted blockbuster after the sinister 'Asylum of the Daleks'. Clearly aimed at the younger audience members, it flourishes in that respect, but it's probably not one of your favourites if you're over 10.

63. Boom Town

A fascinating look into the mind of a killer and what redemption means, up until the point when the TARDIS steps in to save the day from the still-evil Slitheen.

62. Tooth And Claw

Series 2 continues its sluggish start with a one-dimensional Queen Victoria guesting in 'Tooth And Claw'. Still, it's another nice look at the new Doctor, and there's occasional heart-racing action.

61. The Next Doctor

An episode built around the gimmick of convincing the audience David Morrissey's a future incarnation of the Doctor. Spoilers: he isn't. Some touching moments though, and nothing evokes the spirit of yuletide like a giant Cyberman.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.