Doctor Who: 9 Predictions About The Regeneration Conundrum

6. The Problem Won't Be Solved For A Long Time

Through the years, "Doctor Who" has seen some actors with well-stocked CVs take on the role as the main character: William Hartnell, Peter Davison (particularly impressive given his age of 29 at that time) and Chris Eccleston spring immediately to mind. But since the show returned in 2005, the leads have primarily used the role as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. For the sake of convenience rather than actual reality, the "Fright Night" remake is included within said "bigger and better things." The nice thing about Mr. Capaldi, meanwhile, is that the man brings a long career marked with awards from BAFTA and Hollywood. In terms of strictly British television acting, Capaldi may well be the single most accomplished "Doctor Who" lead ever. Far from being another layer in a burgeoning sundae, for Capaldi, this role is the cherry atop his tasty career and a role he's coveted for some time. The smart bet would be to expect a long, possibly Tom Baker-esque run for the Scotsman in the TARDIS and thus the "Doctor Who" team will have plenty of time to craft an answer to this key question.
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In 23+ years of professional writing (yikes), Os Davis has survived the none-too-gentle transition from print media to online while writing on myriad subjects including science and technology; sport, particularly NFL football and Euroleague basketball; local politics; film (lots of film); national and international business; and just about anything else you might imagine. Except Doctor Who. That's what Os writes about here -- at least for now...