Doctor Who Christmas Special: 5 Things The Title Could Mean

4. Last Year's Christmas?

While some hopeful Whovians are already holding their (deep) breath for that Wham! crossover, others have taken the title more literally, as a reference to the events of LAST year's Christmas Special. As fans all know, the Doctor's 2013 yuletide adventure, The Time of the Doctor, was full of heartbreak and sorrow as it marked Matt Smith's final outing as the Eleventh Doctor. But is his regeneration about to revisited one year on? Steven Moffat has a proven track record of digging up characters and settings from the past, so perhaps Trenzalore isn't quite done with our beloved Time Lord just yet? Either that or something happened in the episode which we weren't aware of at the time. After all, we've already seen one 'extra' scene from the Eleventh Doctor's swansong, when he phoned Clara from the past in the closing moments of Series 8, Episode 1. Could another cameo be on the cards? Your guess is as good as anyones, especially because Jenna Coleman has revealed that the premise of Last Christmas "is about what is real and what is not", which quite literally brings anything and everything into the frame. As always, only timey-wimey will tell... Tumblr Myed9fnusn1rixwdqo2 500 Bowtie1 Gif
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via