Doctor Who Christmas Special Spoilers: 6 Things The Sun Have Ruined

1. The Doctor Will Gain More Regenerations

Capaldi Future Who Given that little tease of Peter Capaldi's face in the background fire of the teaser poster, and the fact that Matt Smith is about to hang up his bow-tie for the last (or maybe not entirely) time, it was always a smart guess that the Doctor's regeneration was going to play a key part in the special. Capaldi And in a twist that will solve the problem of the Doctor's regenerations running out (the show was never going to be cancelled when he ran out) the time crack that opens at the climactic point of the episode will reveal the Time Lords, who will reward the Doctor - presumably for saving both Gallifrey and Trenzalore - by granting him a new set of regenerations. Steven Moffat's intentions were to introduce a storyline that offered a plausible way to set the Doctor up for another 50 years on the screen, and that time crack element certainly fits the bill. As the ultimate climax of the episode, the Doctor will regenerate in what the Sun call some of the most spectacular scenes ever filmed for the show, featuring an "electrifying light show" that will culminate in the appearance of Peter Capaldi's new Doctor. Are you excited to see the Doctor Who Christmas Special? Share your thoughts below in the comments section.
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