Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton's 10 Best Bits

7. 'The Evil Of The Daleks'

Doctor Who The Evil Of The Daleks They're back. With added evil! And the wonderful cosmic hobo gains another companion (more of whom later). Time travel plays a big part as hops between 1866 and 1966 enabling antique dealer Edward Waterfield to acquire unique Victorian bits and bobs for his shop. Bet the 'Antiques Roadshow' never thought of that. Mr Waterfield, though, is actually properly resident in the age his stock's been pilfered from. Why's he doing all this? In the process of indulging an inquiring mind and stumbling across the secret of time travel with a little help from static electricity and some mirrors, he accidentally stumbled on some Daleks. They didn't stay for a cup of tea and a chat, but they did kidnap his daughter Victoria. He can get her back but only if he helps them kidnap the Doctor. You can guess where this is heading. Once the action shifts to Skaro €“ under the command of the Emperor Dalek (the one in 'Bad Wolf/'The Parting Of The Ways' wasn't the first) €“ it transpires they want their great nemesis to do them a little favour. Having isolated what they call the Human Factor, a handy set of the qualities that they believe help humanity defeat them time and time again outside of having legs and thusly being able to climb stairs,they want a little of that special stuff for themselves. Sounds a bit like 'Daleks In Manhattan/'Evolution Of The Daleks' perhaps. But this is so much more than a mere template for Ten's meeting with them a few bodies down the line. By identifying this Human Factor they can work out their own Dalek equivalent and stick it in every human being across all of history. Following a quick test on Jamie to extrapolate the Human Factor, three lucky Daleks are picked to receive this holiest of grails and proceed to enjoy it rather a lot. Given names and quickly christened Alpha, Beta and Omega, they also acquire independent identities. They play trains and have a go at roundabouts (yes, really) and learn what it means to be human. All well before the Cult of Skaro turn up to do the same sort of thing and are stopped by the Tenth Doctor. These new emboldened Daleks questioning the Emperor's orders makes the old boy a bit angry. Just to rile him a bit more another bluff by the Doctor results in more humanised Daleks and a civil war on Skaro. Waterfield's daughter is rescued but he isn't around to see it and Victoria leaves with her new friends the lovable moptop and the Scot.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!