Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton's 10 Best Bits

5. 'The Ice Warriors'

Doctor Who The Ice Warriors If you thought the Eleventh Doctor was the first to face off against the Ice Warriors, think again. This served as their introduction to the pantheon of 'Who' villainy.The freezing Martians pop up somewhat convieniently in a a new Ice Age in the 34th Century. A very cold war if you'll pardon the pun, and please do. It makes 'Who da man?' sound like a stroke of genius! Some resident boffins are trying to get rid of a pesky glacier. The whole business becomes more complicated after the first Warrior (as they've been termed by the scientists) thaws out of his icy reverie and isn't best pleased. His name's Varga and he and his crew landed on Earth many centuries beforehand. Mars has gone from being the Red Planet to a dead one in the interim. And so Varga decides our own home would make a nice new abode for him and his chums and quickly gets to the business of reviving them. The Doctor works with Penley, one of the labcoated wonders, to turn the ioniser they'd been developing to melt the glacier into a weapon to use against their mutual enemies. The Warriors perish and the glacier is melted. One day they'll attempt revenge in 'The Seeds Of Death' and again in 'Cold War', but all that's a long way off. And frankly Skaldak's a pussycat in comparison to this lot. They could easily be his great-grandads. Fair play to Mark Gatiss for fighting so hard to bring them back though.

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!