Doctor Who: Patrick Troughton's 10 Best Bits

4. 'The Enemy Of The World'

Doctor Who The Enemy Of The World Anything Bill Hartnell can do Pat can do too as is abundantly clear here. He plays both the Second Doctor and Ramon Salamander. In a bid to expose Salamander as a double crossing blaggard ( he's hailed as a saviour for trying to stop famines he's actually secretly causing) the Doctor poses as his evil South American doppelganger. Political intrigue ensues and the ending is proof if any were needed that you shouldn't attempt to hijack a TARDIS. Having turned the tables and impersonated the Doctor, Salamander orders Jamie to take the controls and pilot the police box for him. The real Doctor pitches up snorting with derision at Salamander's impression of him and the Mexican promptly shuffles off this mortal coil by dematerialising the old Type 40 with the doors still open, which results in a trip into the Time Vortex as well as a nasty death and a fail on his time machine driving test. Next time things get this tense the Eleventh will be facing off against Mr Clever the Cyber Planner...

Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!