Doctor Who Series 8: 10 Exciting Details And Rumours (February Update)

1. Further Into The Future...

If it's possible to look beyond Series 8, it appears that Steven Moffat's probably going nowhere. Whilst a large portion of the fanbase are calling for his head, he's revealed this week that he won't be doing the show forever, but he doesn't have any plans to leave right now. More encouraging for the naysayers though is his assertion that both Series 8 and Series 9 will run, interrupted; the pesky series break that's given us just twenty-eight episodes over the last two years seems to be over, and the BBC have learned anything from Matt Smith's contract, they'll have made sure Peter Capaldi is obligated to film Who nine months a year. Moffat's also mentioned in the past that he wouldn't leave the next showrunner quite as in the lurch as he was, when the entire Doctor Who upped and left after 'The End of Time'. That would suggest that he's free to leave any time during the Twelfth Doctor's era, but is anyone actually ready to helm the show full-time? More comments have come out from the Moff recently about how the BBC also considered a "young, sexy" actor with "great hair", but decided that it would be too similar to the past two Doctors: is that Ben Whishaw that he's talking about? And have they lined up Peter Capaldi's successor already? So many questions, so long to wait. What would you like to see in Series 8 of Doctor Who though? Comment below, but remember, refrain from spoilers for everyone else!

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.