Doctor Who Series 8: 10 Exciting Details And Rumours (February Update)

2. A Very Familiar Cameo (More Spoilers!)

Again, look away now, but there's going to be a very special cameo in the first episode of Series 8. Rather like how departed Oncoming Storm, David Tennant, and the other previous nine Doctors all made an appearance in 'The Eleventh Hour' - via the Atraxi's hologram beam - Matt Smith will make one last appearance in Doctor Who, phoning Clara to tell her that the new Doctor is "scared" and that he needs her more than ever. Apparently, both Doctors ask, "Is that the Doctor?" in unison, and the scene ends with Clara throwing her arms around the Twelfth Doctor, warming to him, as they leave together for new adventures. It's a lovely touch, one that Matt apparently filmed before his exit at Christmas, and it explains why the phone was simply hanging from the TARDIS door when Clara entered the TARDIS at the end of the episode.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.