Doctor Who Series 8: Everything We Know So Far

7. New Doctor, New Personality

Although they have their own distinct personalities, the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors are very similar. They share a lot of the same quirks and in The Day Of The Doctor, they even end up finishing each other€™s sentences. These similarities have left the Doctor€™s personality in broadly the same area for just shy of nine years. But now, it€™s all change. Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi have been at pains to emphasise how much darker the Twelfth Doctor will be with declarations like €œNo frills. No scarf. No messing. Just 100% Rebel Time Lord€ and trailers that play up the new Doctor€™s serious personality above everything else. While we won€™t know for sure what the Twelfth Doctor is really like until Deep Breath airs, we€™ll leave you with this quote from Steven Moffat that suggests the Twelfth Doctor will have a touch of the Sixth about him:
He has a tremendous ability with throwaway humor and a lot of it is around the fact that sometimes he is terribly rude. I think kids will think he is the rude Doctor [...] You might want to cuddle him but he really will resist.€

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.