Doctor Who: The Time Of The Doctor Trailer - 11 Questions For Christmas

3. Is Someone From Eleven's (Recent) Past Coming Back For His Finale?

In the series of photos for this episode there is a couple that show what look like child's drawings. Drawings that are depictions of the entirety of Eleven's adventures, from The Eleventh Hour right up to some of the episodes in Series 7.1. Now watch the most recent trailer and pay attention to the moment where Clara is pleading with an unknown party to intervene and change The Doctor's fate. Notice how that room looks like the one that has the drawings plastered all around? This is enough to speculate that someone from The Doctor's recent past is going to come back, and Clara's going to beg them to save him. So who knows about The Doctor's fate, and also knows about his adventures from Series 5 on? Well, there's three people that it could possibly be... and they're all related. My guess is that Amy, Rory, or River might be returning to see Eleven off to his death. Smart money would be on River, but Amy seems like a close prospect as well, seeing as these photos are reminiscent to the ones she drew as a kid, as well as in the alternate timeline of The Wedding of River Song. While River sending him to his death with a kiss would be interesting and beautiful, Amy returning would not only show that something is massively wrong with all of this Trenzalore business, but it would also provide The Doctor with a final chance for absolution from the person he feels he's failed the most. Amy's story would be final and closed, and The Doctor would be able to let himself go of the guilt he's had on his shoulders ever since The Angels Take Manhattan.

Mike Reyes may or may not be a Time Lord, but he's definitely the Doctor Who editor here at What Culture. In addition to his work at What Culture, Mr. Reyes writes for Cocktails and Movies, as well as his own personal blogs Mr. Controversy and The Bookish Kind. On top of that, he's also got a couple Short Stories and Novels in various states of completion, like any good writer worth their salt. He resides in New Jersey, and compiles his work from all publications on his Facebook page.