Doctor Who Title Sequences Rated

The Third Doctor

Doctor Who Logo Pertwee LogoThe Style: Doctor Who was now in colour and boy did we know it. Every colour of the rainbow is used in the Pertwee title sequence, from the sumptuous red we are treated to varying, blues, greens, then swirls of pinks, yellows and purples after the face that erupts in a veritable orgasm of colour. It could be a bit much, but it isn't. It's weighted by the deep black surround from which the diamond pattern emerges. The technique used is the same howlaround/smokey effect used in the previous sequences only it is refined a lot better this time around and looks like some design and structure is behind it. It is a very good piece of work and I like it. It is flamboyant and colourful but also sophisticated like the new Doctor himself. The only thing about it that doesn't come together as well is Pertwee's headshot. For one thing he looks the happier than his stern and serious Doctor ever was and although the Doctor's hair famously became more bouffant over the years he played the part it looks deceptively flat in this shot like he has just been wearing a motorbike helmet (which may well have been the case). Also the edge of the Doctor's shirt collar is visible but this for some reason makes it look like the Third Doctor was disguised as a vicar. Score: 8 The Logo: They nailed it with this one clearly as it is being used as the 50th Anniversary Logo on all the merchandise this year and the same 10 years ago. It's a very clever design, which could have just been block text but has enough flair to set it apart from that. The indentation on the D of 'Doctor', the interlocking slant on the C and T of 'Doctor' and the curved bridge on the H of 'Who'. Credit where it's due to the designers and production team behind it, this was a classic in the making. It is bold, individual and iconic. Score: 10 The Theme: Mostly the same as before, which is a wise choice because it didn't need to change. An attempt was made for season 10 but that was pitiful, sounding like it was made with a single banjo string. Credit for resisting that urge. Sometimes part of good design is knowing what NOT to change. The theme was one of them. The only adjustments were the removal of a bar of 'diddly dums' to get to the 'oo ee oos' sooner and the recurring howl leading into the episode. It structures the piece that little bit better rather than just fading it out gradually. Similarly on the closing, the final note of the theme that has been used ever since. By far the most significant contribution though is the sting at the end of each episode. That sting should be used on all television dramas. Score: 9

Overall Score: 27

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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.