Doctor Who: 10 Actors Who Almost Played Different Characters
5. Jenna Coleman
Who She Almost Played: Mels
Who She Actually Played: Clara Oswald
Jenna Coleman is one of the longest-serving actresses in modern Who, first appearing in September 2012's Asylum Of The Daleks as Oswin Oswald, and finally departing in the 2017 Christmas special, playing Clara one last time - in a cameo - and bidding farewell to Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor.
It's one hell of a legacy, and Coleman will be associated with Doctor Who for the rest of her life. This in mind, she's probably quite relieved that her earlier brush with the Whoniverse didn't end with her landing the part.
Before Clara, Coleman first auditioned for the role of Mels, a character with a small arc in the 2011 episode Let's Kill Hitler. Mels is the best friend of Amy and Rory, but a plot twist early in the story reveals that she's also a previous regeneration of the River Song we all know and love. Spoilers.
Apparently, Coleman's grandma was devastated when she didn't get the role, so the Clara news must've been received pretty ecstatically in the Coleman household.