Doctor Who: 10 Actors Who Could Replace Jenna Coleman

2. "Orson Pink"

Following the events of the Series 8 finale, Dark Water/Death in Heaven, Clara's beau Danny Pink, played by actor Samuel Anderson, is no longer on the show, but the doors have been left open for him to return in the role of his future offspring, Orson Pink, who was introduced in Listen. And what character would be a better way to play a part in Clara's exit? The show hasn't explicitly stated that Orson is definitely related to Clara, of course, though it has certainly laid its usual array of tantalising teasers to suggest as such. Orson mentions that he grew up being told tales of time travel and this would tie in with the big secret that Clara worries about telling Danny at the beginning of Deep Water. Fans never found out what that was either but, as some eagle-eyed internet analysts have deducted, it was probably going to be that she was pregnant. That's usually the way it goes, right? In any case, Orson is definitely tied up with Clara's timeline to some, otherwise what would've been the point of introducing him? Timey-wimey and all that. It would be amusing to see Capaldi having to deal with Orson on a regular basis after his rather frosty relationship with Danny. It would be an ingenious way to bring the rather brilliant Samuel Anderson back, too. Everyone's a winner!
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Hi there, What Culture-ers! I'm William Graff, a 40-year old freelance writer from the wilds of Capitol Hill in beautiful Denver, Colorado. I enjoy many things such as beer, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, record collecting, stand-up comedy, long aimless walks, and of course the Broncos, which is required by law if you live here. I appreciate all feedback for my writing, but I prefer cash and/or deleted Smiths singles in lieu of praise. Rock on!