Doctor Who: 10 Awesome Villains To Revive For Peter Capaldi's Doctor

9. The Great Vampires

Great Vampires There€™s something highly metal about a blood-sucking villain so large you had to drive a spaceship(!) through its heart to kill it, but then again, the Great Vampires are hardly ordinary villains. Seemingly much like Daleks crossed with Godzilla, the Vampires represented a massive threat to Time Lord civilisation unseen since those famous pepper-pots started getting a bit angry, resulting in a war where the desperate TImelords killed their foes with massive crossbow-ships. Again, metal. In fact, the whole escapade with the Great Vampires €“ who came into the world when Timelord founding fathers Omega and Rassilon accidentally blasted a hole into another dimension €“ put the Galifreyans off violence forever, or at least until the Daleks starting getting rowdy again. Something as vicious as this demands to be put on screen again, and with today€™s modern technology and CGI we could actually make a decent, non-kitsch job of it. After all, if Torchwood can bring a 100-foot Abaddon demon to life and have it rampage through South Wales half a decade ago, I€™m sure putting one of these monsters on screen won€™t be a problem. It would certainly give the whole thing a sense of grand scale Doctor Who seems to thrive off, and watching Capaldi get slowly more angry and despair at being the only thing that could stop his now-exterminated civilisation€™s bogeymen would be an interesting watch, and I€™m willing to be money that they€™d be attacking London, or a quarry in mid-Wales.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.