Doctor Who: 10 Best Dalek Stories

The best stories Skaro has to offer.

The Daleks
BBC Studios

The Daleks. First introduced in 1963's aptly titled serial, The Daleks, these exterminating pepperpots have gone down in both Doctor Who and science fiction history as one of the greatest antagonists of all time. Appearing in 45 stories since their creation, these exceptionally evil mini-tanks have been terrorising The Doctor across the show's almost six decade-long history.

Originally created by Terry Nation, the kings of The Doctor's rogue's gallery are a staple of the series, appearing across all of time and space, ready to destroy everything in their wake. Though not every outing the Daleks have had has been successful from a critical standpoint, today we're going to look at the times these great space dustbins have triumphed in a sense much more important to that of world domination- entertainment.

So get out from behind the sofa, are we're about to look at the 10 best Dalek stories we have seen on the small screen.

10. The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar

The Daleks

The ninth series of NuWho opened with a bang. A young boy, trapped amongst 'hand mines,' about to be saved by a mysterious man in a blue box. Who was this young boy? None other than Davros. Skip forward a while, and Colony Sarff is in search of The Doctor, to deliver to him the final message of Davros. A dying Davros brings the caring, yet short-sighted nature out of The Doctor, as he is tricked into giving his regeneration energy to the Daleks, returning them to top form, ready to conquer the universe.

The Witch's Familiar marks the last appearance of Davros we have seen thus far, and the most recent rare appearance of Skaro itself. Though it may not be the most important story in the grand scheme of Dalek lore (the regenerated Daleks are quickly destroyed by their 'dead' brethren from the sewers), it was a great story in-part to the relationships explored between The Doctor and Davros, and Missy and Clara. Seeing a genuinely vulnerable, yet still cunning side to Davros was something not seen before, and anything featuring Missy being devious and destructive is always a treat.

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Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.