Doctor Who: 10 Best Davros Stories

Dishonourable Mention: Destiny Of The Daleks (1979)

Destiny of the Daleks

Oh, dear. Being the next Davros/Dalek story after Genesis of the Daleks really does not do this one any favours whatsoever! Season 17 is a season of Classic Who that's widely been mocked for its laughably poor production values and unintentional hilarity (with the exception of both City of Death and Shada that is!), and with this being the introductory story of that particular season, this was indeed a foretelling sign of what was to come that year.

All sense of seriousness, tension and drama was eschewed in favour of comedic silliness (Rock, paper, scissors is involved here!), not to mention moments of utter boredom scattered throughout, including a throwaway moment of the Doctor and Romana blathering about concrete. Even the Fourth Doctor himself doesn't appear to take the situation seriously! ("Oh, look! Rocks!")

As for Davros himself, new actor David Gooderson pales in comparison to Michael Wisher's towering performance, hiding behind an obviously damaged Davros mask, plus his presence here actually diminishes the power and significance of his creations. Also, it's hard to take a Hitlerian megalomaniac seriously when he's being pushed about like a wheelie bin or jiggling up and down the place like a plate of jelly! What happened to the most evil man in the universe!?

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Part-time museum fundraiser, part-time writer, part-time massive fan of all things nerdy,