9. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
Alright, so this is right about when Moffat started writing rubbishy season finales where everything is solved using time travel as a crutch. But this one is so much fun it almost doesn't matter. I don't know how Rory ended up being brought back as a Roman Auton (like he said, it's very distracting), but it does wonderful things for his character. With the transformation of Rory from being the hen-pecked, downtrodden boyfriend to the Lone Centurion, he becomes an iconic companion. Although normally I'm not a huge fan of the Doctor grandstanding, it really works for me in this episode because even he knows it's a bit of a stretch. He gets done with his huge dramatic speech, and then he says, "That ought to buy us a half an hour." It's forgivable because he never legitimately thinks that him being there is going to stop the alien invasion, but it is going to make them waste some time while they discuss strategy. Finally, when they put the Doctor in the Pandorica, the image of him helplessly dragging his feet is really powerful and sticks with the viewer for quite some time. Everything in the museum is awesome, from Rory saving the day to Amy's Doctorish way of figuring out how old the little version of herself is (although really there probably should be some kind of consequence when she touches Young Amy because didn't the Doctor kind of make a huge deal about that kind of paradox with Rose in Father's Day but anyway that's not the point). It's a big, grand finale, the perfect end to what is my favorite season of Doctor Who.