Doctor Who: 10 Best Moments Of The Eleventh Doctor

1. A Phone Call From Beyond The Grave

In the first episode of Series 8, Deep Breath, fans were treated to one last appearance by Matt Smith. After receiving his new cycle of regenerations from the Time Lords, and subsequently defeating the Daleks (which is so unlike him!), he took the time to call Clara in the future to explain to her that the man she was with was still him, and that he was more scared than she was. He told her that he will need her more than ever to help him get through things. This scene was something that had never previously been done in the history of Doctor Who, that being the previous Doctor finding a way to contact his companion after a regeneration. It helped Clara, as well as some viewers, to slowly accept this brash Scottish sounding man as their new man mad with a box and, while the scene itself wasn't necessarily needed, it was a welcome addition to the first episode of Peter Capaldi's run as the titular Time Lord. What did you think of this list? Are there any other great Eleventh Doctor moments that should've been included? Join the conversation in the comments section below.
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I am an avid fan of Doctor Who, Video Games and WWE Wrestling who is a 12 year medically retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I've been married for 14 years with two children, 10 and 8. As a stay at home father, I find myself with copious amounts of free time and have taken to writing as a way to give me something to do. I currently reside near Kansas City, Missouri in the United States but am originally from Chicago, Illinois.