Doctor Who - 10 Best Moments Of The Third Doctor

2. A Dandy And A Clown

The Three Doctors 3 Wardrobe has always been a defining feature for each Doctor. Fans by now certainly know the Eleventh Doctor's battle cry €œbow ties are cool.€ The episode The Three Doctors was a marvelous first for Doctor Who, and sadly the last performance the original First Doctor, William Hartnell. €œThe Dandy and the clown,€ are the descriptions Hartnell's Doctor gives to Pertwee and Troughton respectively in the episode. For a brief moment, the viewer finds themselves really looking at what each Doctor is wearing. While Hartnell's Doctor tended to dress in a more reserved funeral director style, Pertwee's Doctor is well known for his more luxurious wardrobe and love of the finer things. Although The Third Doctor still has the out of place fashion sense of a Time Lord straight off the planet Gallifrey, he seems perfectly at home in more elegant clothing designs and finer materials. Upon waking in a hospital from his regeneration coma in Spearhead from Space , the Doctor immediately finds himself acquiring the fancy opera clothing that one of the medical doctors has left in his locker. It also helps that The Third Doctor was also the first to be broadcast in color. This lead to a much wider variety of clothing choices than the simple wardrobe of the First or Second Doctor. For the first time, it made a difference whether his clothing was colorful enough for his surroundings.


Victoria Irwin is the Senior Correspondent and Resident Whovian for She also contributes heavily to and enjoys video games, comics and more Doctor Who than is healthy.