Doctor Who: 10 Best Multi-Part Stories In Nu Who

1. Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways

Doctor Who Death In Heaven

Christopher Eccleston has gone down in history as the actor to have the second shortest on-screen reign as The Doctor, beaten only by Paul McGann who only appeared in the 1996 TV Movie, although he did return for 2013's The Night of the Doctor.

However he does have one honour that nobody can take away from him; he is the Doctor who brought the show back, the one who laid the foundations for all that has come afterwards and, arguably, the only modern Doctor to head up a perfect season (there are no duds in season one, fight me!)

Bad Wolf took TV culture of the time and imagined a dystopian future where those gameshows and quizzes were turned up to a deadly eleven. The first part builds to a wonderful edge-of-your-seat reveal that

The Daleks have somehow survived the Time War (before that became a bit of a cliché trope of the modern series) and have become crazed religious fanatics, worshipping their emperor as The God of All Daleks.

Capitalising on the impact earlier in the season of the wonderful episode Dalek we can’t help but feel the fear as we are confronted with half a million of the savage foe. The tension builds to an epic climax the demonstrates the stakes of the show early on and sees us lose one Doctor already. In many ways, the show has never been able to achieve the quality of this finale again.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.