Doctor Who: 10 Best Multi-Part Stories In Nu Who

2. World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls

Doctor Who Death In Heaven

The eras of both Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi draw to a close in this fantastically executed dystopian two-parter. Like many Moffat two-parters there’s a whole bunch of stuff going on here but the unlike some of Moffat’s finales the blending tones, fast paced action and the slow noirish-elements tie together perfectly.

Trapped on opposite ends of a ship experiencing severe time dilation due to the force of a black hole, companion Bill is trapped in the dim city at the bottom of the ship with time advancing much faster than it is for the Doctor, Missy and Nardole at the other end.

Part one is Bill’s time to shine as we see her struggle to cope with this depressing new reality where the people of the ship are desperately trying to survive by grafting mechanical parts onto themselves.

The episode has a very tense atmosphere along with a built in-dread (credit to finale-directing regular Rachel Talalay) and succeeds in doing what we all thought was impossible; making the Mondasian Cybermen scary again.

Part two shifts gears slightly into the series’ first multi-Master story but never loses that sense of dread that pervades throughout. The Doctor Falls ultimately remains true to its titular promise, a fitting penultimate adventure for a Doctor more mistake-prone and somehow more vulnerable than any previous incarnation. There’s not a happy ending this time folks.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.