7. Forest of the Dead
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnqaZ6suo54 Who the hell is River Song? That was the question here. After the previous episode introduced her, and much of the mystery surrounding her, this trailer gave us the some very vague hints at who she might be. It's refreshing to watch this, and remember a time when River was arguably a more interesting idea. Whether you like the direction she's taken or not over the last few Series, there's really something to be said for just how exciting she seemed in her first couple of appearences. The preceeding episode made it clear that River knew some of the Doctor's future, and this trailer built on that and made us wonder if there was any chance of an answer any time soon (There wasn't). On top of this we saw both River and good old Doctor 10 hinting at 'Spoilers', which, out of context in a clip like this made us really think that the Doctor might know/find out something about his future. Finally, and this might just have been me, but that last shot in the trailer, of the Doctor flying through some kind of blue vortex. I genuinley thought at the time that it was the Time Vortex, and damn that had me excited. It wasn't in the end, but as far as build up goes, it had me goin.