Doctor Who: 10 Best NuWho Episodes

1. Human Nature/The Family Of Blood

Doctor Who Midnight
BBC Studios

Adapted from Paul Cornell’s novel Human Nature, this two-part story sees The Doctor change his biology to that of a human’s to hide in 1913 from the Family of Blood, but will he sacrifice innocent lives in exchange for his own or make the ultimate decision to become the Time Lord once again?

The very best story of NuWho, these episodes highlight Tenant in top form, playing the human school teacher, John Smith, as well as The Doctor in all of his dark glory. Dark being the operative word once he delivers on the harshest punishments to each member of the family, condemning them to endless suffering for eternity.

Harry Lloyd as Baines has to be up there as one of the greatest villains in a singular Who story, with each member of the family giving wonderfully well realised and sinister performances all around.

This story is rich in mature thematic presentation, questioning the very nature of The Doctor as an isolated figure who comes and goes, making connections and losing them as he leads a dangerous life.

The very essence of the character is stripped down and examined to provocative effect, with Jessica Hynes’ character, Joan Redfern, acting as the literal beating heart of the story. The school nurse becomes John Smith’s romantic interest and the montage of what their lives could have been if he chose to remain human is one of the most dramatically profound pieces of television put to Doctor Who.

Not only do we have an exemplary exploration of The Doctor’s character, but the setting of the months preceding World War 1 make for equally as powerful viewing. The episodes are simply brimming with so much interesting content to unpack, making for an emotionally resonant story with some of the best performances and direction NuWho has ever seen.

It is going to be a huge challenge to top this fantastic two part story.

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Writer. Lover of film and scarily obsessed with Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and Harry Potter.